The work before the fun....

I walked into the quilt store today and a woman turned to me and said "Are you the Quilt lady?"I said "yes, that would be me!"

I have to tell you that for so many years as I walked through hospital corriders and my little preschool, people would stop me and ask" Are you the nurse?"and as nurses all know, trouble is most often at the end of that question...

This morning I realized that trouble never follows the question"are you the quilt lady?" Its all good...I love my job...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Eileen,
    Your post today and music made me smile : )
    Love, The Quilt Lady's sister

  3. I love your blog and music, so relaxing and it reminds me of how you have always been. Fun to always be with, comphy not only as a niece; but a good friend and so easy to share anything in life with you. Always an old soul with sweet advice and a comforting way.
    Blessed to have you in my life, always, Aunt Kathy


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